David Dence is a close
friend of the present writer, and it is painful to have to prepare this
report. But his letter is now being widely circulated.
Unfortunately, David made the
mistake of working with Charles Wheeling. David’s intentions were the
best: He wanted to help distribute Great Controversy more widely,
and he believed that, by working at Wheeling’s headquarters in
Jemison, Alabama, he could do this more effectively.
The problem is that Wheeling
always tries to convert everyone within hearing distance to his
speculative positions on Bible prophecy, his ever-changing predictions
and time setting, and his view that the Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible
writers are inaccurate—in contrast to his own positions.
In a two-page study, “Shall
We Throw Out the Baby?” David writes from the standpoint of one
who has already accepted some of Wheeling’s specious arguments which
reduce confidence in God’s Word. He appeals to the reader not to
totally cast aside Scripture, even though it contains error and not all
the light. He urges the reader to keep his Spirit of Prophecy books, for
they are still useful.
David: “Some
of my valued friends are forcing my back to the wall, giving me an
‘all or nothing’ choice regarding the Spirit of Prophecy. ‘The
Spirit of Prophecy is either all from God or it is all from Satan’
they say. ‘You cannot pick and choose. Either you accept it all or
discard it all.’ “
Choosing for himself to continue
picking and choosing, selecting that which he considers true in the
Spirit of Prophecy and rejecting that which he considers incorrect in
it, David lists four sample problems with the Spirit of Prophecy. His
point is that she only had part of the light, and much more would come
from thinkers and speakers after her time. He says she wrote for those
living in the past, not those living today. Frankly, David sees errors
where there are not errors.
David: “There
is no need to question her integrity. She was shown exactly what God
wanted His people to believe at that time. If her understanding of
prophecy was not complete, it is because God held His hand over those
portions of Scripture.”
We will now reply to each of the four “examples” David
presents in support of his contention that the Spirit of Prophecy
writings kept changing in their doctrinal position,
so we today should be willing to keep changing ours:
(Example 1) Dence: “We
find in 1T 206-207 that she initially held no condemnation for those who
ate pork.”
That 1 Testimonies
statement is a shining example of two facts:
[1] God did not reveal all the
light—all at once—to His people through the Spirit of Prophecy. But
He did, ultimately, reveal through the Spirit of Prophecy all the light
needed by God’s people in these last days, in order to give the final
warning to the world and prepare for the final crisis and translation.
It is for that reason that we are far better off getting our light from
the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy than seeking to find it in the
speculations of contemporary preachers. In her 70 years of ministry,
Ellen White gave us an incredible amount of light and truth!
[2] We have the Testimonies
just as Ellen White wrote them. If the leaders really had changed the Testimonies,
they surely would have removed that pork statement. Shortly after
writing it, the Lord gave her clear light on the dangers of eating
swine’s flesh (1 Testimonies, 524-525, 4 Spiritual Gifts, 124, 126,
2 Testimonies 94, 96; 4 Testimonies 141, etc.).
(Example 2) Dence: “Another
example is seen in GC 440-441 where she says that the second beast of
Revelation 13, the beast that brings fire down from heaven, is the
United States. This was an interpretation commonly held by all
Protestants at that time. But three years later she upgraded her
position to reflect increased light. She was shown that the lamb-like
beast is Satan himself rather than the United States (3 SM, 393). ‘In
Revelation we read concerning Satan, ‘And he doeth great wonders, so
that he maketh fire come down from heaven.’ ”
David is trying to prove that
Ellen White was ever changing in her doctrinal beliefs, so we should be
willing to be ever changing them now. How sad it is that men and
women are ever searching for the elusive “new light” in the
uninspired writings and speeches of men, while the radiant shining of
wondrous light—both old and new—shines forth from the Inspired
Writings of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
In regard to David’s second
point, quoted just above, the two beasts of Revelation 13 (the leopard
beast and the lamblike beast) have been clearly identified in the Spirit
of Prophecy. There was no changeover from one position to the other. The
first beast is the papacy and the second is the United States.
Revelation 13 is based on, and sequentially, follows Revelation 12. In
that chapter there is a dragonlike creature, which Revelation 12:9 and
the Spirit of Prophecy identify as Satan. In Revelation 13, we see the
dragon working through the leopard and lamblike beasts. In order to do
that effectively, he gives power to do his will more effectively.
Who then do those two beasts
represent? They primarily represent the papacy or United States; yet,
behind the scenes, they represent Satan working through both of these
earthly powers.
We have, in the Bible and Spirit
of Prophecy, a consistent portrayal, not a change in doctrinal position.
The leopard beast of
Revelation 13 represents the papacy (GC
439, 442, 443, 445, 578; SR 381-382). The leopard beast of
Revelation 13 also represents Satan. The papacy is a gigantic system
false religion and a masterpiece of Satan (GC 50). It is a
monument of Satan’s effort to rule the earth according to his will (GC
50). It has not changed (GC 571). It conceals the invariable
venom of the serpent beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon (GC
571), and its work is done under Satan’s special direction (7
BC 911).
The lamblike beast of
Revelation 13 represents the United States of America
(GC 440-441, 445, 578-579, SR 381-382). The
lamblike beast of Revelation 13 also represents Satan. It
speaks with a voice like a dragon (GC 441-442). Satan speaks
through its apparent wonders (3 SM 393, quoted above).
It is clear from the above
passages that we do not have a doctrinal changeover here either.
Instead, all variations of the concepts are given in Great
(Example 3) Dence:
“Yet another example is seen in GC 335 where she says that the sixth
trumpet was exactly fulfilled on August 11, 1840. But within a few years
both she and Dr. Josiah Litch abandoned that position in favor of the
ever increasing light from God’s Word. They both concluded that the
trumpets were still future. ‘Trumpet after trumpet IS TO BE
sounded.’ See 7 BC 562, 982.”
Three points should be noted
[1] The 7 BC 562 numerical
reference is incorrect; what it should be we do not know. But it
probably says about the same as the 7 BC 982 passage, which is quoted.
[2] If the Spirit of Prophecy
gave a fulfillment of the sixth trumpet in GC 335, and later said there
would be other fulfillments of all seven trumpets, we cannot assume that
she therefore canceled the GC 335 fulfillment as having been an
incorrect application. She nowhere said that the GC 335 fulfillment was
incorrect; she only said there would be future fulfillments of
“trumpet after trumpet.”
[3] We cannot be certain from
the 7 BC 982 quotation (it is on the bottom right of the page),—that
it is even talking about the seven trumpets of Revelation, although that
is a definite possibility. It is unwise to use one or two unclear
statements to found doctrine upon.
So this third example cannot be
used to prove that Ellen White had switched from one doctrinal position
to another.
(Example 4) Dence:
“Perhaps I should cite one final example. In GC 439 she stated that
the 42 months spoken of in Revelation 13:5 began in 538 and ended in
1798. Later, after quoting Revelation 13:4-10 she clearly placed this
time period in the future: ‘This entire chapter is a revelation of
what will surely take place.’ (See 7 BC 979).”
Two points should be noted here:
[1] Once again we find David
using the same flawed argument of over-application: Because, in one
passage, the Spirit of Prophecy applied Revelation 13:5 to one time
span, and later said the entire chapter still had a future
fulfillment,—does not mean that, by so doing, she had abrogated or
nullified the first application.
[2] David is trying to prove
that the 1260-year prophecy has a future fulfillment. Although that time
prophecy is mentioned a remarkable number of times in Daniel and
Revelation (Daniel 7:25; Revelation 11:2; 12:6; 12:14; 13:5; more times
than any other single time prophecy in the Bible), yet the only Spirit
of Prophecy passage David could locate which might place it in the
future is this general statement in 7 Bible Commentary 979. That
is the way it always is with these stretched, futuristic Spirit of
Prophecy time-setting statements. They hint at a future time setting,
but do not come out and say so!
On one hand, we have clear (very
clear!) Spirit of Prophecy statements that there will be no correct
time-setting calculations after 1844 (except the one the Lord
declares at the sounding of the Voice of God after the close of
probation, when He declares the day and hour of Jesus’
coming)—indeed, so many clear statements that we have a entire
11x17-inch tract filled with part of them (ask for a copy of “It’s
No Time for Time Excitement” [PG—21]).
On the other hand, we have only
the most nebulous statements put forward in favor of the possibility
that there will, indeed, be such time setting in the future. The
above-quoted paragraph is an example of this kind of thing. Read the
referred-to passage (7 BC 979; part-way down the second column) in its
entirety. It is talking about the mark of the beast being applied and
the Sabbath truth being the issue in the final crisis. THAT is what is
to be fulfilled in the future! This is the focus of that chapter. 7
Bible Commentary, 979 does not “clearly place this time period in
the future.”
David uses the above four
dubious examples to prove his point that Ellen White repeatedly
repudiated earlier doctrinal beliefs and adopted new ones.
David: “As
you can see, her understanding was progressive. In some instances the
new light contradicted previously held positions.”
But in the last three of the
four examples cited, she did not contradict her earlier positions.
David then appeals to his
Wheeling supporters not to throw out the Spirit of Prophecy because she
has been “proven wrong.”—But, in reality, Ellen White’s writings
have not been proven wrong! It is true that men will attempt to make it
appear they are inconsistent, so new theories can be presented,—but
the truth is we find those sacred writings to be very consistent.
David goes on to tell the reader
that, even though he has tried to show that Ellen White has erred
doctrinally, and been fickle and wishy-washy in her theological
positions on last-day events, yet we should adhere to her writings
anyway,—and why? because not all her writings are about those
David: “Some
conscientious souls say, ‘If Sister White can be proven wrong in one
area, she must not be a true prophet. I may as well drink wine and go
back to dancing.’
“While this may seem like
logical reasoning to some, it is really an extreme position. Who said
anything about the standards? And what do Christian standards have to do
with eschatology? There is no reason to question Sister White on health
reform, dress reform, education, recreation, association, or true
medical missionary work. Even her teaching of the doctrines is sound.
Aside from the experience with pork, all the above examples are
concentrated in one area: eschatology [last-day events].”
If David believed Ellen
White’s presentation of final events, he would have no problem with
her statements, but he has been with Wheeling so long, he has imbibed
his zeal for developing ever new theories about coming events and the
dates they will occur.
David then goes on to explain
that Ellen White’s problem was that she believed that Jesus was going
to return soon. If she had not believed that, she would not have made
those doctrinal mistakes. Apparently, David imagines that Ellen White
thought up her theology by herself, and, because of personal
misconceptions, was swayed into developing incorrect theology. He then
says that the Bible writers would also have changed their teachings, if
they could have seen down to our time. Apparently, their doctrinal
teachings were incorrect also.
David: “She
simply had the same problem all the prophets before her had; she was an
Adventist. An Adventist is one who looks for the eminent return of
Jesus. For most of her life she confidently expected Jesus’ return in
her day. This would understandably color her view of the apocalyptic
[end-time] prophecies . . Just think how quickly Daniel, Peter, Paul,
John, and Sister White would commence applying the prophecies if they
were alive today! As we have seen above, Sister White progressed in her
prophetic understanding. Have we progressed? Or have we gotten stuck
just where she left us?”
With that, David ends his
position paper. I am very sorry that David takes this stand, for he is
about as nice a person as one can meet.
Are you one of those pitiful individuals who
chooses to be stuck with the Spirit of Prophecy and Bible, when you
could walk in the evanescent sparks of newly thought up speculations?
There are those who pity you in your ignorance. But cheer up; you have
the Word of God on your side. Be faithful to the end, and He will give
you a crown of life.